C&D > le lab on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/claracdeloeuil
Mystère in 5 Acts, 1911 - Text Gabriele d’Annunzio - Music Claude Debussy
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Lisbon, 2013
Arsenal de Metz, Cité de la Musique, Paris, 2012
Musical direction, Alain Altinoglu / Michel Tabachnik
Staging, set design and videos, Jean-Philippe Clarac & Olivier Deloeuil
Lighting design, Rick Martin
Micha Lescot (The Saint) ; Karen Vour’ch (The Mother) ; Eric Bougnon (The Father) ; Blanche Konrad (The Maid) ; Marie Kalinine, Pauline Sabatier (The Twins, Paris, Metz), Marianne Crebassa (Lisbon)
Cité de la Musique, Arsenal de Metz, Brussels Philharmonic, Fondation Gulbenkian, Clarac-Deloeuil > le lab
Special support from Fondation Orange and Palazzetto Bru Zane - Centre de musique romantique française
Combining medieval archers with modern-day tattoo artists, this cutting-edge adaptation of Debussy’s Martyre de Saint Sébastien bridges the gap between religious theater and contemporary quest for spirituality. As a consequence of their mystical encounter with Sébastien, each of the 5 characters of the play decides to have the key sentence of the piece tattoed on their skin : "Seigneur, je suis une âme dans ton sein".
Combining music, theater and videos, this theatrical rendition of the oratorio confronts the medieval tradition of Christian plays with the famous movie Theorema by Pier Paolo Pasolini, set in an upper class family, whose 5 members progressively discover their Faith, thanks to an attractive messenger named… Sébastien.